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Our Guarantees

Everyday Guarantees You Can Count On

Benjamin Franklin Plumbing is always looking out for you, our customers. One of the ways we accomplish this is by keeping our promises. These promises are codified in our guarantees, which includes our “100% Satisfaction Guarantee” and our “On-Time Guarantee.” Both guarantees are there to protect you in the event that something doesn’t quite go as planned. Your peace of mind matters, and we’ll never jeopardize it when we take a service call to your home.

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

We stand behind our work with a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. If something goes wrong or the outcome of the job doesn’t go as planned, we will return and make it right.

On-Time Guarantee

Your time is valuable. When a plumber says they’ll be at your home within a certain time frame, they ought to mean it. At least with Benjamin Franklin Plumbing, you know we mean it because we put our money where our mouth is. It’s called our On-Time Guarantee, and it states that if we aren’t there when we say we’ll be, we’ll pay you $5 for every minute that we’re late, up to $300 or the cost of the service call (whichever is less). After all, If There’s Any Delay, It’s You We Pay™.

Call the Punctual Plumbers Today!